I have no idea how this happened, but my poor blog is neglected and now officially ten shoots behind. this week has been a busy one, but it has been a ton of fun to be constantly out these meeting new kids and families. I must say I enjoyed every minute I was away from my "old friend" aka my office. Here's the deal, suddenly my office has decided that I have committed some terrible crime(for which I can say I have not) and is now totally making me pay the price from it. So my dear blog I have lots of things to tell you in the lessons learned from my office. Do you remember the saying all I needed to know I learned in kindergarten. well, the saying doesn't seem to be true in my office,(it is in the rest of the world) the office is a cruel and jealous mistress and it has made me all the wiser this week.
1. Networking- I used to adore this saying. It meant buddy time or mingling with other people with simular goals and interests. Networking in my office means no sleeping for almost 4 days. It mean that when you have a two macs set up with a windows computer and your printer suddenly decides to go offline, that you should just give up and
a. start drinking and
b. start the crazy serial killer laugh and stare as you will do this often as you search google for the answer.
2. I am a mac. nope, not a mac daddy, but as in, hello I am a mac, and hello of there goes my pc. The pc portion of my mac has now been taken out and windows is now on it's own only for Marty's work and none of my own. I think I am one of those happier divorcee's now that the pc is out of my office life
3. That "woot woot" I love my friend JP. He is honest and truthfull and tells me when I am crabby, but he is THE man when it comes to
a. calming me down and
b. sending me in the right direction when I need answers to my networking and printer issues.
4. Sleep- This you may not actually need. I have had so little, that I am actually finding ways to get my wayward printer back together with my network while I lay in bed. I seem to be doing quite fine minus all the crying spells. so maybe naps are still a requirement of life, but actual sleep I am rethinking
5. Printers- These are not your friend. No matter how they help you and print gorgeously when you are trying something or really don't care if it prints. It will at some point get this big chip on it's shoulder and completely refuse to give you an inch if you desperately need it. In fact I think my printer pointed out the fact that there is a pen and paper on my desk that I should think about using once in awhile.
6. Memory Cards- This was a rather large betrayal. I have babied these little guys since I got them. they all have their place in my life just like my kids. In fact they are even numbered according to adoption in the MAdchen Studio family and what they are used for. Well I got home from my sessions on Sunday. I felt that I had gotten a lot accomplished so I even had a lay down with the hubby. Little did I know that while I was snuggling with my husband that my jealous office was working on a scheme that was so malicious that I almost think I should have this room blessed so I can work in her a little easier. I go to plug in the card and voila (corrupted data). WHAT?!? I had heard of this and know others who have been affected by it, but had never experienced it before. I had three sessions on that card! No worries though folks, as I bought a nice little program and spent 4 or 5 hours recovering files (which I got all back!!) I am sure my jealous printer was over in the corner smiling and thinking "oh honey you think you are stressed out now, wait until you see the doozy I have planned for you!" The main lession learned in that lesson though is always to shoot on little cards and use two cameras. That way if you ever get a bad card then you still have all of the photos from the other card.
7. Mexican Chili Potato chips are a way bigger comfort food in the middle of the night then a triple triple.
8. If you can't beat your printer, but a new one. Oh yes, there will be jealousy later I am sure!
9. My photo sessions are a great way for me to get away. I think I may rethink the name of them and just call them my "calgon"
10. That office quarrels can be resolved when all parties have had their say. All in all there was only one electronic casualty (the memory card) and we are working together very nicely now. just like kindergartners.
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4 days ago
windows vista!!! :) I love my 64 bit windows vista system, with lightroom 2....(drool) Mac doesn't have 64bit support to my knowledge, hee hee. Anyway, sorry to hear about the office issues.....dat sux. :)
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