Sunday, August 24, 2008


For those of you who don't know, I am without my little girl this week and it's making my son stir crazy. He is missing his sister so much to the point he would even admit it. I had a ton of work to do this week so he settled into the other desk and drew, watched videos, tried to write stories and learned to play the games on hot . I can now officially say that I know most of the words to Empire strikes back now. Anyways, to break up the monotony, I took him outside to play a little and take some shots.


Randy said...

What a good movie to know the words to. You never use your 50mm 1.8? Dude!! :) hehehehhe

Rachel Schultz said...

lol I know I am crazy to never use it...but I guess now I don''t have to worry about that anymore...