Sunday, August 24, 2008

Road Trip

Marty and I went to Calgary this weekend to visit our friend who spent the week in the hospital. It's unfortunate that we waited as long as we did. we really care about him and wanted to be there for he and his family. A special thank you goes out to Christa who let me move her shoot early Sunday Morning. Without your understanding we may not have been able to make the trip. We had a marvelous evening thanks to our friends and our favourite hostess Heather. Man that girl can entertain. Marty and I really regretted not taking the camera out to get shots of the party. I don't know if the photos would have illustrated what wonderful company we were surrounded with. On the way home I managed to pick up a very sweet lens to add to the Madchen Studios Family. Of course I managed to snap a few shots on the way home. They are only bits of the car interior and one of Marty in our office. I was a little worried about buying a 50mmL 1.2 as I never used my 50mm 1.8, but I am sure glad I did. she's a beauty for sure.